Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mt Bromo & Penanjakan Sunrise Tour

We traveled by a van from Surabaya Plaza Hotel to Mt Bromo area in the mid night. Then traveled up to Mt Penanjakan by a 4WD Jeep. The whole journey took about 3to 4 hrs.

To view the beautiful sunrise, i only took a short nap in the van while traveling. But actually there were too many corners to turn along the way and the road condition is bad, so i dun think anyone can really sleep well. But luckily i have been working night shift this 2 years, so this is OK to me :P
When we arrived at the Mt. Penanjakan, there were already many people waited for the sunrise. Most of the people were getting ready their camera to take a good shot on the beautiful sunrise. I think this is one of the popular activity in Surabaya.

Below are the sunrise photos taken using my camera. The Mt Bromo is at the background in the photo.

1 comment:

  1. Bromo Tanjung Pondok Tani
    Dalam rangka memperkenalkan “Tengger-Bromo" dari segala aspek, menginap di pondok tani tanjung-tosari, ^*DI HARI KERJA CUKUP MAMBAYAR DNG SUKARELA (TANPA TARIF)*^
    * rute: pasuruan-warungdowo-ranggeh-pasrepan-puspo-tanjung KM 99.(Tanjung Pondok Tani) -> (Baledono-Tosari)
    @.kamar los + 2 km mandi luar, dapur, teras serba guna, kapst: 8 s/d 16 orang. Rp.250.000,-/malam.
    @.kamar utama + km mandi dalam + perapian, kapst: 4 s/d 6 orang. Rp.150.000,- /malam.
    @ fasilitas:. Kamar mandi air panas,.dapur,. kulkas,. ruang makan,. teras serba guna (4 x 12 m),. halaman api unggun,. tempat parkir unt 6 mobil,. kebun sayur.
    # hub per sms/tlp: *081249244733-085608326673 (Elie)*-* 081553258296-081385458993 (Dudick).
    # Informasi di Facebook dengan nama : Bromo Tanjung Pondok Pertanian
